When we arrived to set up at the coffee house I went over to the counter and ordered something from off the menu, a Tall Amaretto Macchiato. The older man behind the counter, blushing bright red, asked me. "What's in that? How do you make one? " I started to tell him how and told him that I worked at a coffee house for a while. So he asked me to come behind the counter and show him how. I did just that. I couldn't keep my eyes from laughing hysterically but I managed to keep it from seeping out of my mouth. I love small towns and country people who have layed back rules all of their own. I made my drink but didn't pay cash for it. I payed with a diagram of how to make it instead. It was more valuable to him then my money. When we were leaving that night he thanked me and said that 3 other people had ordered a macchiato and they had told him that it was VERY good! ;)
Sunday after church we went horseback riding. I rode with a new friend of mine, who is a neighbor to my in-laws, and her mom, for a couple of hours. Michael joined me on the horse I rode, toward the end of our ride. We had a SUPER, OH-SO-FUN of a SWEET, AWESOME time!!!! I really like my new friend too. She is about my age and we get along great!