Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Do what I love and get paid? Sounds like a fairy tale...

Wahoo! I love my new job!!!! Working at the local coffee shop! I've wanted to work there for forever. Now I get paid to be spread enthusiasm like it's a highly contagious sickness, wear a smile... ("Smiling's my favorite" Quote from Elf), take orders, serve people, and talk to them. I get Sundays off and I get to have time off every Thursday to teach my nature class that I am starting soon. Thank God for blessing me with this!!!!! I met a new home school mom today who said she was having a hard time so I gave her my moms number. Mom's favorite, is helping home school parents out! My boss told me today that she was "extremely impressed" with me already... Hmmm, guess I must have done something right! =) I love my fellow workers, too! It feels like I've known them for longer then just two days. We all get along great... I've made some new friends... Ok, I'll get off the Pollyanna glad game for your sakes and say... The End! =)


Esther said...

Thats awesome. Totally suits you. I know another Candace who works at that coffee shop. It will be interesting to work with someone who has the same name as you. Perhaps you are to work in the new drive in though?


Anonymous said...

i wish i could work at a coffee shop. you're incredibly lucky.

Anonymous said...

I'm so, so, so happy for you!!!

Priscilla said...

Yeah, one of these days Kezzi and I want to come in there and chew you out!!! In fact, I'll just spew a little steam here and now... That sandwhich you were back there messing with yesterday took an infinity to make!!!!! (Tho I guess it WAS incredibly tasty... hmmm I'm getting hungry)

In all seriousness, I'm happy for ya and you know that!!!! Go get 'er done.

Anonymous said...

Hey are their icy coffees really expensive down there cause they are up here?

Strider said...

so do you get unlimited coffee? That'd be like a dream come true for me, though I'd probably end up OD'ing on it or something. The caffeine would eventually get to me